Dr. Tammy Smith
Psychologist, Professional Clinical Counselor
Dr. Smith's training includes a Ph.D. in Psychology, M.S. In Counseling Psychology, B.S. In Christian Ministries and Religion. She is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Ohio and a former Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas. She has been in counseling practice for over 30 years. She assists Young Life Ministries, Collegiate Church Network as well as local churches with consultation and training roles.
Her approach includes attention to the whole person within the context of God's framework of Truth and reliance upon the person and work of Jesus through His Spirit. She focuses on development of emotional, relational and spiritual maturity through a variety of traditional and contemporary therapeutic modalities, dependent upon the presenting concerns of the individual(s).
Tammy thoroughly relishes the opportunity to work with people motivated for freedom and Truth and has written 7 books, recorded video series for healing and maturity in Christ, has an international speaking ministry and provides training in a variety of formats to best equip motivated and determined people.
Tammy has a considerable waiting list. Her primary level of expertise is to people in positions of influence and leadership, including pastors, campus ministers, counselors, missionaries, and their spouses and family. Her fees are consonant with nationwide standards. Clients are self-pay.
Tammy has been married to Mike for 32 years. He is the lead pastor of Vista Community Church with sites in Dublin and Westerville. They have two grown sons and two daughters-in-love. Tammy enjoys with great passion playing competitive tennis and leading Vista's Christmas outreach musical program to the entire Columbus population every year. Most of all, Tammy delights most in coming around the Word of God in any context with people serious about following Him and bringing His love and light to bear on this planet.